Wood Research and Development (WRD) is excited to announce that Dr. Dan Tingley, Sr. Timber Engineer, and Wood Technologist, will be serving as the keynote speaker at their upcoming WPC Workshop. This workshop is an ideal opportunity for engineers, project managers, and contractors who are interested in earning continuing education hours and expanding their knowledge of wood and wood technologies in their projects. Participants will learn about the latest advancements in wood products and how to select the best materials for their projects. They will be able to interact with professionals in the wood industry and gain valuable connections that can be used in their work. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from one of the leading experts in wood and wood technologies!
Overview of Workshop
The educational workshop is centered around the topic of pressure-treated wood and the processes involved along with the different specifications for different grades and rated products.
Moreover, attendees will learn about the Canadian governing standard, CSA O80 Series 21 for wood preservation As the keynote speaker at this upcoming Wood Preservation Canada (WPC) Workshop, Dr. Tingley is going to serve as a pillar of knowledge and experience for all in attendance. In his talk, he will discuss the importance of sustainability in engineering and how it is possible to create structures that are both durable and eco-friendly. He’ll also touch on the role that engineers can play in making society more sustainable overall.
Information about the Workshop
The workshop is going to be hosted by Wood Preservation Canada and moderated by their Executive Director Natalie Tarini. The workshop is going to be on March 1, 2023, and will be held at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, ON. The Shaw Centre is conveniently located right downtown near Parliament Hill; making it worth attending! The purpose of the workshop is to educate the attendees on a variety of topics related to pressure treatments for timber. The attendees will learn about commercial and residential grade treatments, as well as the various techniques and methods used to apply them. This is a great opportunity to gain an understanding of how timber modification affects its properties and strength.

Schedule of Speakers and Topics
Presentation: From a Treater’s Perspective | Presented by Craig Wilson
First, Craig Wilson will introduce pesticide regulations in Canada and talk about the various applications for residential and non-residential products. Craig will also explore the pressure treatment process and speak to the governing standard, CSA O80 Series 21 for wood preservation.

Presentation: The Do’s & Don’ts for Pressure Treated Wood Applications | Presented by Justin Lesperance
Following Mr. Wison, Justin Lesperance will show project examples to stress the importance of proper specification for treated wood products. He will also discuss best practices for using pressure-treated wood and talk about real-life examples of wood project restorations and construction.

Presentation: Introduction to Wood Technology | Presented by Dr. Dan Tingley
Closing out the presentations will the keynote speaker, Dan Tingley will introduce Wood Science and speak at length about timber durability and speak to the application and treatment of various wood species for pressure treatment applications. As an award-winning structural engineer and wood technologist, Dan will showcase examples of successful pressure-treated wood applications and speak to their success and lessons learned.
Benefits of attending the WPC workshop
Attendees of the WPC workshop will gain unrivaled insight into the developments taking place in timber construction across the world. It’s an exciting gathering that brings leading minds together to discuss new opportunities, technologies, and techniques. It’s a one-stop shop for information on the cutting edge of wood design and construction. Attendees can not only learn from expert lectures but also have access to presentation materials along with an intimate Q&A session following each discussion topic. The event provides a unique opportunity for attendees to broaden their knowledge base as well as network with professionals in the fields of Timber Construction. Attendees are sure to walk away with invaluable insights to take back to their respective firms or educational institutions!
Overall, the WPC workshop offers a unique opportunity to gain insight and knowledge into emerging product development trends. By attending, you will meet the industry’s highest-quality speakers and interact with like-minded professionals who have similar goals. You also get an exclusive opportunity to ask questions, receive valuable feedback from other attendees, and engage with expert panelists. Consequently, this is an ideal place to network with companies and individuals who are passionate about advancement in the timber engineering domain. Henceforth, make sure you don’t miss out on this valuable chance to learn from the best of the best! Register for the event here to reserve your spot as seats are limited to 50 to provide value and exclusivity to attendees!
Wood Research and Development
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